Project 2: Destroy the Icon

 Trying to find an image or icon to destroy in this project was very hard to choose. 

My first jumping off point was googling ‘iconic photos’, which showed me black and white photos about war, famine, depression, etc. To be frank, I wasn’t and didn’t want to put myself into a deeper mind space while working on this project. So I went to the library to try and find books about photography, but nothing both grabbed my attention and was worthy for major warping. 

But at least I got some photos I like for future reference. I thought about what I like, posters. I’m a graphic design major and I like designing posters. I also choose them because of my grandfather, who would watch movies after work late at night. During the summer, the A/C was broken so us kids got to camp out in the living room. I choose some of his and my favorite movie posters to be a jumping off point. 


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